Our example showed Waldo's transaction with two actions inside a common all-or-nothing activity: taking money out of one account and putting it into another account. 我们的例子显示了Waldo事务,该事务具有两个属于普通的all-or-nothing活动的动作:从一个帐户中取款和把这笔款存放到另一个帐户。
Application level access control: All tenants share a common delegated database account and own the privileges to access all data for a particular tenant in the shared tables. 应用程序级访问控制:所有租户共享一个受委托的数据库账户,这个账户有权访问共享表中所有租户的所有数据。
An investor shall, before applying for the credit securities account, have held the common securities account, and have been engaged in securities trading at the stock exchange for about half a year or above. 投资者申请开立信用证券账户前,应当已经持有普通证券账户,且已经在该证券公司从事证券交易达半年或半年以上。
Any investor which applies for the credit securities account, shall provide the name or designation, and effective ID certificates which are consistent with those in its common securities account. 投资者申请开立信用证券账户时提供的姓名或名称以及有效身份证明文件应当与其普通证券账户一致。
If there are some surplus securities after the close of the trading for financed funds and securities, the investors shall transfer the surplus securities to its common securities account from the guaranteed securities account for credit trading of clients in the securities company. 了结融资融券交易后有剩余证券的,在信用证券账户注销前,投资者应当申请将剩余证券从证券公司的客户信用交易担保证券账户划转到该投资者的普通证券账户。
Answer: The interns are sharing a common user profile because they are using the same account. 答:因为实习生使用同一个账号,所以他们共享一个公共的用户配置文件。
Most common is as a metric of return taking into account items such as management fees, custody fees and trading costs. 比较普遍的定义,是指将管理费用、监管费用以及交易成本包含在内的回报。
Reinsurance premium for common account 为双方共同利益而支付的分保保险费
The stock dividend, however, will cause a transfer from the retained earnings account to the common stock account equal to the par or stated value of the dividend shares. 然而,股票股利将导致股利的面值或设定价值从留存收益账户转入普通股账户。
The international dollar is a common currency unit that takes into account differences in the relative purchasing power of various currencies. 国际美圆是一个考虑到不同国家货币之间存在购买力的差异而设立的通用货币单位。
Mammary tumors are common in the dog and account for about half of the canine tumor. 乳腺肿瘤是犬的最常见的肿瘤,约占母犬肿瘤总数的一半;
Common fatigue 310, account for 30.6 percentage; 一般疲劳310人,占30.6%;
In order to calculate the characteristics of the physical system, the common method is to account the interested values along the route which is created by basic equation in phase space. 为了计算物理系统的特性,一般的做法都是用基本运动方程在相空间中生成一条路径,然后沿这条路径计算感兴趣的物理量的值。
94.08% of the accumulated contribution rate indicates that the four common factors account for the climatic variation well enough. 这四个公因子的累积贡献率为94.08%,较好地阐述了毛竹产区的气候变量。
Taking its characteristics, generic model and common algorithms into account, this paper introduces an efficient and pragmatic too& MATLAB. Finally, we suggest how to apply the tool to digital watermarking. 本文从数字水印技术的特点、通用模型和常用算法出发,介绍了一种高效、实用并且适合于数字水印研究的工具&MATLAB.最后,通过一个实例介绍了如何把MATLAB应用于数字水印技术。
The common methods and points taken into account of the standard of JB4700~ JB4707-92 《 Pressure Vessel Flange 》 were introduced. 介绍了JB4700~4707-92《压力容器法兰》标准在设计选用中的一般常规方法和应注意的问题。
Usually in former studies, neither the traditional small strain consolidation theory nor common large strain consolidation theory has taken account of mass change in soil during consolidation process. 无论传统的小变形固结理论还是大变形固结理论,在以前的研究中通常直接利用固体力学的相关公式,而没有考虑固结过程中土体质量的变化。
The reform which intents to build up a new basic pension system, consisting of common account and individual account, is inevitable to face the transition-cost. 以建立统账结合的基本养老保险制度为目标的改革,必然要面对转轨成本问题。
There isn't any credit management system or measures in most Chinese export corporations, accounts receivables is just managed as a common account. 企业基本上没有对信用风险的管理措施,应收账款只是作为一个会计科目进行简单的记账式管理。
Non-syndromic Enlarged Vestibular Aqueduct ( EVA) is one of the most common inner ear malformations, which account about 10% of patients with sensorineural hearing loss. 非综合征性前庭水管扩大(non-syndromicEnlargedVestibularAqueduct,EVA)是一种最常见的内耳畸形,其在感音神经性聋的患者中约占10%左右。
Therefore, how to effectively restraint the Listed Companies using the financial statement restated to paraphrase and control the profit as well as varnish accounting information has become the common problem which the account academic and practical researchers have concerned. 因此,如何有效遏制上市公司利用财务报表重述操纵利润、粉饰财务信息,已经成为会计理论学界和实务研究者共同关注的问题。
The channels of hot money flowing into China including common account, capital account, underground banks and money exchange between foreign banks. 在热钱流入的渠道上,主要可以分为经常项目、资本项目、地下钱庄和外资银行货币互换等渠道。
From the criminal justice and efficiency point of view, the evidence of Investigation System in the technical integration of civil law and should be the merits of common law, while fully taking into account the actual situation in China. 从刑事诉讼公正、效率角度出发,我国技术性证据调查制度的构建应该融合大陆法系和英美法系各自的优点,同时充分兼顾我国的实际情况。
Bladder cancer was still the most common cancer in urology in our country. BTCC ( bladder transitional cell carcinoma) was the most common malignant tumor of the bladder, account for 92.8%. 在我国膀胱肿瘤也是泌尿外科最常见的肿瘤,膀胱移行细胞癌(bladdertransitionalcellcarcinoma,BTCC)是最常见的膀胱恶性肿瘤,占其中的92.8%。
Based on the above studies, this article finally puts forward and realize a common workflow based model for managing account information. 在上述工作的基础上,最终提出并实现了一种通用的基于工作流的统一账户管理模型。